Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
Oldbrook First School and Nursery believes that every pupil has an entitlement to develop to their full potential and is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). There is a shared expectation that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs, should be offered inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress in school and feel that they are a valued member of the wider school community.
At Oldbrook a child is defined as having a SEND if their learning difficulty or disability calls for special educational provision, namely provision different from or additional to that normally available to pupils of the same age. Oldbrook First School is an inclusive school and offers the following range of provision to support children with; cognition and learning, communication and interaction (including speech and language), behavioural, emotional and social, sensory, complex medical and physical needs.
The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual needs following assessment by internal or external agencies. It is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient learners.
Parental Involvement
In Oldbrook First School parents are seen as partners and their views, aspirations and hopes for their child will always be valued. We believe parents know their children and can be invaluable sources of information to help us identify what possible barriers to learning their child may be facing. We aim to have good and informative relationships with all our parents. If parents have concerns about their child they should speak to their class teacher first who may then direct them to the Inclusion Manager. Parents of children who are identified as having SEND will be invited to take part in CCRs at key points of the year to discuss their child’s progress and the effectiveness of the provision put in place for them. Parents, staff and the child will then work together to agree further strategies that will help the child make progress.
If a parent has concerns or would like further support the school will signpost them to the SEND Information Advice and Support Service.
Milton Keynes’ Local Offer
The purpose of the local offer is to enable parents and young people to see more clearly what services are available in their area and how to access them. It includes provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care. Milton Keynes’ Local Offer is available from the website.
Oldbrook First School’s SEND Information Report
Please click the link below to see our school report.
Oldbrook First School Local Offer of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities 2024-25
SEND Cycle
Expected path if the child continues to make poor progress and barriers to learning are not adequately dealt with through quality first teaching and limited targeted support.
A child can leave this process at any point if the barriers to their learning are overcome. Not all children will require top up funding or an EHCP. This is not the ‘goal’ of being on the SEND plan. Rather the goal is to address a child’s needs as early and efficiently as possible to enable them to progress in line with their peers. For some children, this will be a short catch up intervention to fill in gaps or embed a particular concept. Other children may require long term highly personalised support.
Strategies to remove barriers to learning and the assessment of these will take place throughout the following process.
Public Sector Equality Duty
The 2010 Equality Act requires schools to publish information that demonstrates due regard for the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
- Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
- Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
We believe that the Equality Act provides a framework to support our commitment to value diversity, promote equality, tackle discrimination and foster good relationships. It also ensures that we continue to tackle issues of disadvantage and underachievement of different groups. Oldbrook First School and Nursery is an inclusive school which focuses on the well-being and progress of every child. The following key principles underpin our approach to equality:
- All learners are valued
- We recognise and respect difference
- We foster positive attitudes, relationships and a shared sense of belonging and cohesion.
- We observe good equalities practice in staff recruitment, retention and development.
- We aim to reduce and remove inequalities and barriers that may exist.
- We have the highest expectations of all our children and the school community.
Protected Characteristics
There are nine protected characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010. They are:
In order to protect all pupils from discrimination, the school collects information on protected characteristics as well as pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEND), disadvantaged pupils, pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL), young carers, looked after children and any other vulnerable groups.
We track and monitor the progress and attainment of groups of children or individuals and by providing equal opportunities to access the curriculum aim to ensure that gaps in attainment for pupils within any of the above groups are removed, or at least remains lower than the gap nationally.
Eliminating discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act
We give careful consideration to equality issues in everything that we do at Oldbrook First School and Nursery and work towards eliminating discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act. We aim to eliminate discrimination by:
- Adoption of this Single Equality Scheme
- Ensuring that all children feel safe at school and address any prejudicial bullying
- Recording, responding to and monitoring all racist incidents
- Regularly monitoring the curriculum to ensure that it meets the needs of our pupils, promotes diversity and challenges negative stereotyping
- Teaching is of the highest quality to ensure children reach their potential and all pupils are given equal opportunities to achieve
- Tracking pupil progress to ensure that all children make at least good progress
- Ensuring that all pupils have the opportunity to access extra-curricular provision
- Listening to and monitoring views and experiences of pupils and school stakeholders to evaluate the effectiveness of our policies and procedures.
We advance equality of opportunity by:
- Using the information we gather to identify underachieving groups or individuals and plan targeted intervention
- Ensuring participation of parents/carers and pupils in school development
- Listening to and seeking views of parents/carers
- Listening to and seeking views of pupils
We foster good relations by ensuring that:
- Oldbrook First School and Nursery is accessible for all.
- Equality and diversity is embedded in the curriculum, our values and our ethos where, Together we make the difference!
Equality Objectives
In order to ensure equality of education and opportunity for all pupils, staff, parents and carers irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background we have set the following objectives:
- Objective 1: To monitor and analyse pupil achievement by race, gender and disability and act on any trends or patterns in the data that require additional support for pupils.
- Objective 2: To raise levels of attainment in core subjects for vulnerable learners.
- Objective 3: To review levels of parental and pupil engagement in learning and across all areas of school life to ensure equity and fairness in access and engagement.