Parent Voice
Parent Questionnaire Results
Thank you to all parents who recently completed the parent questionnaire to share your views about Oldbrook First School. This is one of the ways in which the Governors and School Leadership Team seek the views of parents and we place great importance on your responses. The survey results show overall high levels of parental satisfaction with the school: most results were in the high 90’s. These results are a very positive endorsement of Oldbrook First School and confirm that the current parent perception is of a happy, well performing school. The survey showed that 100% of respondents agreed with the statement “I would recommend this school to another parent”.
Some areas have been highlighted to us as a school from your responses in which we will be looking into improving over the forthcoming term and next academic year. These areas, in particular, are where some parents responded with ‘don’t know’ to questions or with a written comment.
I would like to thank you for your continued support and commitment to the school and look forward to another exciting year in which we continue to build on our strengths and successes as well as continuing to develop all aspects of the school.
In addition to all the positive feedback, this year’s survey highlighted a number of areas for further consideration which we have already started to plan for.
- To develop further the outside play area.
- To continue to offer more after school clubs.
Summary of Responses
- 100% feel that their child is safe in school.
- 98% of parents agree or strongly agree that their child is happy at school.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that the school ensures that pupils behave well.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that there is a good range of subjects available.
- 96% agree of strongly agree that pupils wider personal development is supported.
- 98% feel that their child can take place in after school clubs.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that their child does well at school.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that school keeps them well informed of how well their child is doing.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that pupils with SEND are well supported.
- 100% agree of strongly agree that the school is well led and managed.
- 100% feel that any concerns they have are promptly dealt with.
- 89% agree of strongly agree that the school has high expectations of pupils.