Wrap Around Care
Oldbrook First School offers wraparound care for children who attend school in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. This will be available daily from 8am until 5.45pm and will be term time only. Parents can book and make payment using Parentmail.
Oldbrook First School will continue to run a range of wraparound provision to support working parents and childcare requirements for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. Please see below:
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club runs daily from 8.00am until the start of school
A well-balanced breakfast is offered every day. Children can choose from cereal and/or toast (with various spreads) and juice/milk as well as fresh fruit.
Parents should speak to the school office to discuss any specific requirements relating to allergies or intolerances.
We request that children are brought into the breakfast club by 8.15am if they require breakfast.
Provision | Time | Cost per session |
Breakfast Club | 8.00am – 8.40am | £2.00 |
All sessions should be booked and paid for online and in advance. Payment can be made in weekly instalments.
If you are interested in a place complete the online form below:
Breakfast Club Registration Form
Children attending Breakfast Club come directly to the school library from 8.00am onwards.
Please see below details of the allergens for the breakfast menu.
Night Owls Wraparound Care
Children attending Night Owls will have the opportunity to take part in a range of activities. Where possible the children are encouraged to play outside and take part in sports or outside games. They also have access to IT, arts and crafts, reading books and a wide variety of games, construction materials and imaginative play.
Parents can choose from two Night Owls Sessions:-
Provision | Time | Cost per session |
Night Owls Wraparound – Full Session | 3.15pm – 5.45pm | £10.00 |
Night Owls Wraparound - Early Session | 3.15pm – 4.15pm | £4.00 |
Night Owls Wraparound – Late Session after an after-school club | 4.15pm – 5.45pm | £6.00 |
We ask parents to collect promptly by these times.
The school reserves the right to charge £1 per minute for late collection.
Children who attend the full or late session are offered a light tea of, for example, pasta, soup, beans on toast, sandwiches etc. Fresh fruit is always available.
If parents have any queries, please contact the school office on office@oldbrookschool.co.uk
Payment to be made in weekly instalments a week in advance.
After School Club
Children have the opportunity to attend a range of after school clubs which will not run until 4.15pm. Places are limited and booked on a first come first served basis via Parentmail. The following clubs are available in the Autumn term 2024.
Club | Day of the Week | Year Group | Time | Cost per session |
Arts and Crafts | Tuesday | Reception | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | £4.00 |
Dance | Tuesday | Year 1 and Year 2 | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | £4.00 |
Football to Music | Wednesday | Year 1 and Year 2 | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | £4.00 |
Basketball | Thursday | Year 1 and Year 2 | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | £4.00 |
If children require care after this time, then parents can book for them to attend the late session at Night Owls.
Provision | Time | Cost per session |
Afterschool club (Paid Termly) | 3.15pm - 4.15pm | £4.00 |
Night Owls Wraparound – Late Session after an afterschool club | 4.15pm – 5.45pm | £6.00 |
Bookings for wraparound care and afterschool clubs can be purchased via the shop in Parentmail